Files @ 4f29bd1aa05b
Branch filter:

Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/backup_server/molecule/default/tests/

MAR-181: Drop support for Debian 9 Stretch from the xmpp_server role:

- Switch to using IPs from VirtualBox default allowed host-only
network subnets.
- Drop Stretch-specific workarounds, code, and tests.
import os

import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_installed_software(host):
    Tests if the required packages have been installed.

    assert host.package('duplicity').is_installed
    assert host.package('duply').is_installed

def test_backup_directory(host):
    Tests if the backup directory has been set-up correctly.

    with host.sudo():

        backup_directory = host.file('/srv/backups')

        assert backup_directory.is_directory
        assert backup_directory.user == 'root'
        assert == 'root'
        assert backup_directory.mode == 0o751

def test_regular_ssh_server_configuration(host):
    Tests if the default SSH server has been configured correctly (to prevent
    access to it via backup users).

    with host.sudo():

        assert "DenyGroups backup" in host.file('/etc/ssh/sshd_config').content_string

def test_backup_ssh_server_configuration_directory(host):
    Tests if the backup SSH server configuration directory has been created

    with host.sudo():

        backup_ssh_server_directory = host.file('/etc/ssh-backup')

        assert backup_ssh_server_directory.is_directory
        assert backup_ssh_server_directory.user == 'root'
        assert == 'root'
        assert backup_ssh_server_directory.mode == 0o700

def test_backup_ssh_server_service_configuration(host):
    Tests if the backup SSH server service configuration file has been set-up

    config_file = host.file('/etc/default/ssh-backup')

    assert config_file.is_file
    assert config_file.user == 'root'
    assert == 'root'
    assert config_file.mode == 0o644
    assert 'SSHD_OPTS="-f /etc/ssh-backup/sshd_config"' in config_file.content_string

def test_backup_ssh_server_configuration(host):
    Tests if the backup SSH server configuration file has been set-up correctly.

    with host.sudo():

        config_file = host.file('/etc/ssh-backup/sshd_config')

        assert config_file.is_file
        assert config_file.user == 'root'
        assert == 'root'
        assert config_file.mode == 0o600
        assert "AllowGroups backup" in config_file.content_string
        assert "ChrootDirectory %h" in config_file.content_string
        assert "ForceCommand internal-sftp" in config_file.content_string
        assert "Subsystem sftp internal-sftp" in config_file.content_string
        assert "PasswordAuthentication no" in config_file.content_string
        assert "PubkeyAuthentication yes" in config_file.content_string
        assert "PermitRootLogin no" in config_file.content_string
        assert "HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_rsa_key" in config_file.content_string
        assert "HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_ecdsa_key" in config_file.content_string
        assert "HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_ed25519_key" in config_file.content_string

def test_backup_ssh_server_keys(host):
    Tests if the backup SSH server private keys have been deployed correctly.

    with host.sudo():

        rsa = host.file('/etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_rsa_key')
        assert rsa.is_file
        assert rsa.user == 'root'
        assert == 'root'
        assert rsa.mode == 0o600
        assert rsa.content_string == open('tests/data/ssh/server_rsa', 'r').read()

        ed25519 = host.file('/etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_ed25519_key')
        assert ed25519.is_file
        assert ed25519.user == 'root'
        assert == 'root'
        assert ed25519.mode == 0o600
        assert ed25519.content_string == open('tests/data/ssh/server_ed25519', 'r').read()

        ecdsa = host.file('/etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_ecdsa_key')
        assert ecdsa.is_file
        assert ecdsa.user == 'root'
        assert == 'root'
        assert ecdsa.mode == 0o600
        assert ecdsa.content_string == open('tests/data/ssh/server_ecdsa', 'r').read()

def test_backup_ssh_server_systemd_service(host):
    Tests if the backup SSH server systemd service file has been deployed

    service_file = host.file('/etc/systemd/system/ssh-backup.service')

    assert service_file.is_file
    assert service_file.user == 'root'
    assert == 'root'
    assert service_file.mode == 0o644
    assert "EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/ssh-backup" in service_file.content_string

def test_backup_ssh_server_service(host):
    Tests if the backup SSH server service is running and listening on correct

    with host.sudo():

        service = host.service('ssh-backup')
        assert service.is_running
        assert service.is_enabled
        assert host.socket('tcp://').is_listening

def test_backup_ssh_server_login_mechanisms(host):
    Tests available SSH login mechanisms (should be just public key).

    # Try to login with no preferred authentication types to the
    # server.
    # @TODO: The /bin/false is used because the ssh command listed
    #        below will return error code 255. On the other hand,
    #        Testinfra itself treats exit code 255 as special case for
    #        detecting when the ssh connection to managed machine
    #        fails. It might be a good idea to try to reach out to
    #        Testinfra maintainer about this or update this test to
    #        use Paramiko in some way.
    login_attempt ="ssh -v -o PreferredAuthentications=none -o NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost=yes localhost || /bin/false")

    assert login_attempt.rc == 1
    assert "debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey" in login_attempt.stderr.split("\r\n")