Files @ 4f29bd1aa05b
Branch filter:

Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/mail_forwarder/templates/ferm_mail.conf.j2

MAR-181: Drop support for Debian 9 Stretch from the xmpp_server role:

- Switch to using IPs from VirtualBox default allowed host-only
network subnets.
- Drop Stretch-specific workarounds, code, and tests.
{% if smtp_relay_host and smtp_from_relay_allowed %}
domain ip {
    # Accept incoming connections on port 25 from SMTP relay host.
    table filter {
        chain INPUT {
            # SMTP for server communication.
            proto tcp dport 25 {
                saddr {{ smtp_relay_host }} ACCEPT;

{% if lookup('dig', smtp_relay_host + '/AAAA') not in ['NXDOMAIN', ''] %}
domain ip6 {
    # Accept incoming connections on port 25 from SMTP relay host.
    table filter {
        chain INPUT {
            # SMTP for server communication.
            proto tcp dport 25 {
                saddr {{ smtp_relay_host }} ACCEPT;
{% endif %}
{% endif %}