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Location: majic-ansible-roles/requirements.txt

MAR-129: Updated LDAP client role and its tests for new Molecule and Ansible:

- Fixed linting issues.
- Moved test playbook variables into group_vars.
- Include linting configuration for tests from top-level directory.
- Updated how the target hosts are refenced in tests.
- Fixed Ansible warnings.
# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile
# To update, run:
#    pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt
ansible-lint==3.4.21      # via molecule
anyconfig==0.9.4          # via molecule
arrow==0.12.1             # via jinja2-time
asn1crypto==0.24.0        # via cryptography
atomicwrites==1.1.5       # via pytest
attrs==18.1.0             # via pytest
backports.functools-lru-cache==1.5  # via arrow
bcrypt==3.1.4             # via paramiko
binaryornot==0.4.4        # via cookiecutter
cerberus==1.1             # via molecule
certifi==2018.4.16        # via requests
cffi==1.11.5              # via bcrypt, cryptography, pynacl
chardet==3.0.4            # via binaryornot, requests
click-completion==0.3.1   # via molecule
click==6.7                # via click-completion, cookiecutter, molecule, pip-tools, python-gilt
colorama==0.3.9           # via molecule, python-gilt
configparser==3.5.0       # via flake8
cookiecutter==1.6.0       # via molecule
cryptography==2.2.2       # via ansible, paramiko
enum34==1.1.6             # via cryptography, flake8
fasteners==0.14.1         # via python-gilt
first==2.0.1              # via pip-tools
flake8==3.5.0             # via molecule
funcsigs==1.0.2           # via pytest
future==0.16.0            # via cookiecutter
git-url-parse==1.1.0      # via python-gilt
idna==2.6                 # via cryptography, requests
ipaddress==1.0.22         # via cryptography
jinja2-time==0.2.0        # via cookiecutter
jinja2==2.10              # via ansible, click-completion, cookiecutter, jinja2-time, molecule
markupsafe==1.0           # via jinja2
mccabe==0.6.1             # via flake8
monotonic==1.5            # via fasteners
more-itertools==4.2.0     # via pytest
pathspec==0.5.6           # via yamllint
pbr==3.0.1                # via git-url-parse, molecule, python-gilt
pexpect==4.2.1            # via molecule
pluggy==0.6.0             # via pytest
poyo==0.4.1               # via cookiecutter
psutil==5.2.2             # via molecule
ptyprocess==0.5.2         # via pexpect
py==1.5.3                 # via pytest
pyasn1==0.4.3             # via paramiko
pycodestyle==2.3.1        # via flake8
pycparser==2.18           # via cffi
pyflakes==1.6.0           # via flake8
pynacl==1.2.1             # via paramiko
pytest==3.6.0             # via testinfra
python-dateutil==2.7.3    # via arrow
python-gilt==1.2.1        # via molecule
pyyaml==3.12              # via ansible, ansible-lint, molecule, python-gilt, yamllint
requests==2.18.4          # via cookiecutter
sh==1.12.14               # via molecule, python-gilt
six==1.11.0               # via ansible-lint, bcrypt, click-completion, cryptography, fasteners, molecule, more-itertools, pip-tools, pynacl, pytest, python-dateutil, testinfra
tabulate==0.8.2           # via molecule
testinfra==1.12.0         # via molecule
tree-format==0.1.2        # via molecule
urllib3==1.22             # via requests
whichcraft==0.4.1         # via cookiecutter
yamllint==1.11.1          # via molecule