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Location: majic-ansible-roles/testsite/playbooks/roles/wsgihello2/tasks/main.yml

MAR-26: Implemented scaffolding for testing the ldap_server role:

- Fixed role documentation and example for the ldap_server ldap_entries
- Fixed missing leading zero when setting mode for deployed files.
- Marked certain tasks for skipping Ansible linting on.
- Fixed invocation of local LDAP commands to use unix socket out of the
box (don't depend on LDAP client configuration).
- Default to state 'present' for ldap_entry (makes things a bit more
- Added test data for backup and TLS.
- Added dummy default test file.

- name: Create directory for storing code
  file: dest="/var/www/wsgireq.{{ testsite_domain }}/code/" state=directory
        owner="admin-wsgireq_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}" group="web-wsgireq_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}" mode=2750

- name: Deploy requirements and its source for upgrade checks
  copy: src="{{ item }}" dest="/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/wsgireq.{{ testsite_domain }}/{{ item }}"
        owner="root" group="pipreqcheck" mode=640
    - requirements.txt

- name: Deploy requirements
  copy: src="requirements.txt" dest="/var/www/wsgireq.{{ testsite_domain }}/code/requirements.txt"
        owner="admin-wsgireq_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}" group="web-wsgireq_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}" mode=640

- name: Install latest version of pip
  become_user: "admin-wsgireq_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}"
  pip: name=pip state=latest virtualenv="/var/www/wsgireq.{{ testsite_domain }}/virtualenv"

- name: Deploy pip-tools
  become_user: "admin-wsgireq_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}"
  pip: name=pip-tools state=present virtualenv="/var/www/wsgireq.{{ testsite_domain }}/virtualenv"

- name: Synchronise virtual environment with requirements file
  become_user: "admin-wsgireq_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}"
  command: "'/var/www/wsgireq.{{ testsite_domain }}/virtualenv/bin/exec' pip-sync ~/code/requirements.txt ~/.wsgi_requirements.txt"
  register: pip_sync_result
  changed_when: "pip_sync_result.stdout != 'Everything up-to-date'"
    - Restart website wsgireq.{{ testsite_domain }}

- name: Deploy WSGI application
  copy: src="hello.wsgi" dest="/var/www/wsgireq.{{ testsite_domain }}/code/"
        owner="admin-wsgireq_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}" group="web-wsgireq_{{ testsite_domain_underscores }}" mode=640
    - Restart website wsgireq.{{ testsite_domain }}