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Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/bootstrap/molecule/default/prepare.yml

MAR-218: Improve mail server role test reliability:

- Introduce sleep after sending out mails in order to ensure that
Postfix has had enough time to process the messages.
- Relevant only for tests that take care of parsing the mail log.
- Solves the false negatives caused by timing issues.
- It might be a good idea down the line to implement some kind of
retry/backoff mechanism instead.

- name: Prepare
  hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: false

    - name: Install python for Ansible
      ansible.builtin.raw: test -e /usr/bin/python3 || (apt -y update && apt install -y python3-minimal)
      changed_when: false

    - name: Update all caches to avoid errors due to missing remote archives
        update_cache: true
      changed_when: false

# Put Ansible key into root's authorized_keys to test its removal.
- name: Prepare, text fixtures
  hosts: parameters-mandatory
  become: true

    - name: Deploy authorized_keys to mimic set-up via preseed file
        user: root
        key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"

# Put Ansible key into root's authorized_keys to test its removal.
- name: Prepare, text fixtures
  hosts: parameters-optional
  become: true

    - name: Deploy authorized_keys to mimic set-up via preseed file
        user: root
        key: "{{ lookup('file', 'tests/data/') }}"