Files @ 93d485d7dc7b
Branch filter:

Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/web_server/molecule/default/tests/

MAR-218: Undo removal of explicitly specifying Python interpreter:

- Ansible will produce warnings if the interpreter path is not
specified explicitly.
import os

import defusedxml.ElementTree as ElementTree

import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_tls_version_and_ciphers(host):
    Tests if the correct TLS version and ciphers have been enabled.

    expected_tls_versions = ["TLSv1.2"]

    expected_tls_ciphers = [

    # Run the nmap scanner against the LDAP server, and fetch the
    # results.
    nmap ="nmap -sV --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 localhost -oX /tmp/report.xml")
    assert nmap.rc == 0
    report_content = host.file('/tmp/report.xml').content_string

    report_root = ElementTree.fromstring(report_content)

    tls_versions = []
    tls_ciphers = set()

    for child in report_root.findall("./host/ports/port/script/table"):

    for child in report_root.findall(".//table[@key='ciphers']/table/elem[@key='name']"):

    tls_ciphers = sorted(list(tls_ciphers))

    assert tls_versions == expected_tls_versions
    assert tls_ciphers == expected_tls_ciphers

def test_default_vhost_index_page(host):
    Tests content of default vhost index page.

    hostname = host.ansible.get_variables()['inventory_hostname']
    page ='curl https://%s/', hostname)

    assert page.rc == 0
    assert "<title>Welcome</title>" in page.stdout
    assert "<h1>Welcome</h1>" in page.stdout
    assert "<p>You are attempting to access the web server using a wrong name or an IP address. Please check your URL.</p>" in page.stdout