Files @ 9f804c9501da
Branch filter:

Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/wsgi_website/tasks/main.yml

MAR-39: Added support for specifying consumers of LDAP structure to the LDAP server role. Added support to the LDAP server role for specifying groups to create. Modified the ldap_entry implementation, replacing the addattributes/replaceattributes with append/replace states. The new states allow for creation of entry if it does not exist, making them more versatille. The existing classes and configurations have been updated accordingly.

- set_fact:
    user: "web-{{ fqdn | replace('.', '_') }}"
    home: "/var/www/{{ fqdn }}"

- name: Create WSGI website group
  group: name="{{ user }}" gid="{{ uid | default(omit) }}" state=present

- name: Create home directory for the user (avoid populating with skeleton)
  file: path="{{ home }}" state=directory
        owner="{{ admin }}" group="{{ user }}" mode=2750

- name: Create WSGI website user
  user: name="{{ user }}" uid="{{ uid | default(omit) }}" group="{{ user }}"
        system=yes createhome=no state=present

- name: Add nginx user to website group
  user: name="www-data" groups="{{ user }}" append="yes"
    - Restart nginx

- name: Add admin to website group
  user: name="{{ admin }}" groups="{{ user }}" append="yes"

- name: Create directory for storing socket file
  file: path="/var/run/wsgi/{{ fqdn }}" state="directory"
        owner="{{ user }}" group="www-data" mode="750"

- name: Install extra packages for website
  apt: name="{{ item }}" state=present
  with_items: packages

- name: Create directory for storing the Python virtual environment
  file: path="{{ home }}/virtualenv" state=directory
        owner="{{ admin }}" group="{{ user }}" mode="2750"

- name: Create Python virtual environment
  sudo_user: "{{ admin }}"
  command: /usr/bin/virtualenv "{{ home }}/virtualenv" creates="{{ home }}/virtualenv/bin/activate"

- name: Create directory where virtualenvs will be symlinked to
  sudo_user: "{{ admin }}"
  file: path="~/.virtualenvs" state=directory mode=750

- name: Create convenience symlink for Python virtual environment wrapper utility
  sudo_user: "{{ admin }}"
  file: src="{{ home }}/virtualenv" dest="~/.virtualenvs/{{ fqdn }}" state=link

- name: Deploy virtualenv wrapper
  template: src="venv_exec.j2" dest="{{ home }}/virtualenv/bin/exec"
            owner="{{ admin }}" group="{{ user }}" mode="750"

- name: Install Gunicorn in Python virtual environment
  sudo_user: "{{ admin }}"
  pip: name=gunicorn state=present virtualenv="{{ home }}/virtualenv"

- name: Install additional packages in Python virtual environment
  sudo_user: "{{ admin }}"
  pip: name="{{ item }}" state=present virtualenv="{{ home }}/virtualenv"
  with_items: virtualenv_packages

- name: Deploy systemd socket configuration for website
  template: src="systemd_wsgi_website.socket.j2" dest="/etc/systemd/system/{{ fqdn }}.socket"
            owner=root group=root mode=644
    - Reload systemd
    - "Restart website {{ fqdn }}"

- name: Deploy systemd service configuration for website
  template: src="systemd_wsgi_website.service.j2" dest="/etc/systemd/system/{{ fqdn }}.service"
            owner=root group=root mode=644
    - Reload systemd
    - "Restart website {{ fqdn }}"

- name: Enable the website service
  service: name="{{ fqdn }}" enabled=yes state=started

- name: Create directory where static files can be served from
  file: path="{{ home }}/htdocs/" state=directory
        owner="{{ admin }}" group="{{ user }}" mode="2750"

- name: Deploy nginx TLS private key for website
  copy: dest="/etc/ssl/private/{{ https_tls_key | basename }}" src="{{ https_tls_key }}"
        mode=640 owner=root group=root
    - Restart nginx

- name: Deploy nginx TLS certificate for website
  copy: dest="/etc/ssl/certs/{{ https_tls_certificate | basename }}" src="{{ https_tls_certificate }}"
        mode=644 owner=root group=root
    - Restart nginx

- name: Deploy nginx configuration file for website
  template: src="nginx_site.j2" dest="/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ fqdn }}"
            owner=root group=root mode=640 validate="/usr/local/bin/ -n '{{ fqdn }}' %s"
    - Restart nginx

- name: Enable nginx website
  file: src="/etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ fqdn }}" dest="/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{{ fqdn }}"
    - Restart nginx