Files @ b68d19ad38a3
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Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/mail_server/tests/data/imapcli-parameters-mandatory-jane_doe.conf

MAR-33: Added initial scaffolding for wsgi_website tests:

- Added Molecule configuration file.
- Implemented test playbook that sets-up three separate instances of WSGI
website in order to test all variations of parameters.
- Added name for the set_fact task.
- Fixed linting errors related to mode that lacks leading zero.
- Added skip_ansible_lint tag for command that creates the Python virtual
- Added missing become keyword wherever become_user is specified.
- Fixed invalid parameter name for specifying if HTTPS should be enforced or
- Added small initial sample WSGI apps that get deployed.
- Added static/media sample files.
- Added TLS material.
- Added initial dummy test file.
hostname = parameters-mandatory
username = jane.doe@domain2
password = janepassword
ssl = True

format_list =
    ID:         {uid}
    Flags:      {flags}
    From:       {from}
    To:         {to}
    Date:       {date}
    Subject:    {subject}
format_thread = {uid} {subject} <<< FROM {from}
format_status = {directory:>20} : {count:>5} Mails - {unseen:>5} Unseen - {recent:>5} Recent
limit = 10

# delete method can be : MOVE_TO_TRASH, FLAG or EXPUNGE
delete_method = MOVE_TO_TRASH
trash_directory = Trash