Files @ ceb51ff23ae3
Branch filter:

Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/wsgi_website/molecule/default/tests/

MAR-132: Added support to xmpp_server role for Debian 9 (Stretch):

- Updated tests to include Debian 9 in testing. Existing private keys
are reused where possible (since most of the naming is identical
between the machines with jessie/stretch).
- Updated invocation of sendxmpp in tests as workaround for
- Updated testing of imported keys to accomodate differences between
gpg/gpg2 (used by apt-key in Jessie/Stretch).
import os

import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_https_enforcement(host):
    Tests if HTTPS is being enforced.

    https_enforcement ='curl -I http://parameters-mandatory/')

    assert https_enforcement.rc == 0
    assert 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently' in https_enforcement.stdout
    assert 'Location: https://parameters-mandatory/' in https_enforcement.stdout

    https_enforcement ='curl -I https://parameters-mandatory/')

    assert https_enforcement.rc == 0
    assert 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains' in https_enforcement.stdout

def test_index_page(host):
    Tests if index page is served correctly. This covers:

    - Basic WSGI application operation.
    - Handling of environment variables.
    - Handling of proxy headers.

    page ='curl -H "Accept-Encoding: plain" https://parameters-mandatory/')

    assert page.rc == 0
    assert "This is the WSGI application at parameters-mandatory." in page.stdout
    assert "Requested URL was: https://parameters-mandatory/" in page.stdout
    assert "MY_ENV_VAR: None" in page.stdout
    assert "Accept-Encoding: plain" in page.stdout
    assert "Python version: 2." in page.stdout

def test_static_file_serving(host):
    Tests serving of static files.

    page ='curl https://parameters-mandatory/static/static_file.txt')
    assert page.rc == 0
    assert "This is the WSGI application at parameters-mandatory." in page.stdout
    assert "Requested URL was: https://parameters-mandatory/static/static_file.txt" in page.stdout

    page ='curl https://parameters-mandatory/media/media_file.txt')
    assert page.rc == 0
    assert "This is the WSGI application at parameters-mandatory." in page.stdout
    assert "Requested URL was: https://parameters-mandatory/media/media_file.txt" in page.stdout