Files @ d7f5980cc68a
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Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/mail_server/molecule/default/destroy.yml

MAR-128: Upgraded tests for mail_server role:

- Switch to new Molecule configuration.
- Updated set-up playbook to use become: yes.
- Moved some preparatory steps outside of the main playbook (eases
idempotence tests).
- Updated tests to reference the yml inventory file.
- Updated tests to use new fixture (host instead of individual ones).
- Switched to extracting hostname instead of hard-coding it in a
couple of tests.
- Fixed some linting issues.
- Renamed the hosts to make it easier to extend in future.
- Renamed some data files to ensure they correspond correctly to new
- Rewrote logic behind setting-up the /etc/hosts a bit, and expanded
the names to include the new hostnames.
- Updated a couple of tests to correspond to correct filenames (that
have been renamed).
- Updated a couple of tests to address the new server naming.
- Set explicitly the backup client username to avoid 32-charactr
limitation on Linux usernames.

- name: Destroy
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False
  no_log: "{{ not lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_DEBUG') | bool }}"
    molecule_file: "{{ lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_FILE') }}"
    molecule_instance_config: "{{ lookup('env',' MOLECULE_INSTANCE_CONFIG') }}"
    molecule_yml: "{{ lookup('file', molecule_file) | molecule_from_yaml }}"
    - name: Destroy molecule instance(s)
        instance_name: "{{ }}"
        platform_box: "{{ }}"
        provider_name: "{{ }}"
        force_stop: "{{ item.force_stop | default(True) }}"

        state: destroy
      register: server
      with_items: "{{ molecule_yml.platforms }}"

    # Mandatory configuration for Molecule to function.

    - name: Populate instance config
        instance_conf: {}

    - name: Dump instance config
        # NOTE(retr0h): Workaround for Ansible 2.2.
        content: "{{ instance_conf | to_json | from_json | molecule_to_yaml | molecule_header }}"
        dest: "{{ molecule_instance_config }}"
      when: server.changed | bool