@ ea69b2719d8e
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Location: majic-ansible-roles/docs/releaseprocedures.rst
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MAR-22: Implemented tests for the common role:
- Added missing documentation for pipreqcheck_uid and pipreqcheck_gid
- Use static-hashed passwords for reproducibility during testing in test
- Install Emacs and libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat via test playbook on one
of the testing instances in order to test related tasks.
- Fixed parameter for connection limitting in test playbook.
- Added explicit parameters to test playbook for pipreqcheck_gid and
- Fixed deployment of ferm configuration file ot include setting user/group and
- Added tests covering common deployment, deployment when only mandatory
parameters are provided, and deployment when optional parameters are set as
- Added missing documentation for pipreqcheck_uid and pipreqcheck_gid
- Use static-hashed passwords for reproducibility during testing in test
- Install Emacs and libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat via test playbook on one
of the testing instances in order to test related tasks.
- Fixed parameter for connection limitting in test playbook.
- Added explicit parameters to test playbook for pipreqcheck_gid and
- Fixed deployment of ferm configuration file ot include setting user/group and
- Added tests covering common deployment, deployment when only mandatory
parameters are provided, and deployment when optional parameters are set as
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This section documents various release procedures. This includes:
- General versioning schema principles.
- General backporting principles.
- Releases of major versions.
- Releases of minor versions.
- Releases of patch versions.
Versioning schema
*Majic Ansible Roles* project employs `semantic versioning
<>`_ schema. In short:
- Each version is composed of major, minor, and patch number. For example, in
version ``1.2.3``, ``1`` is the major, ``2`` is the minor, and ``3`` is the
patch number.
- Major number is bumped when making a backwards incompatible
change. I.e. anything that depends on *Majic Ansible Roles* may need to make
changes in order to keep working correctly.
- Minor number is bumped when new features or changes are made without breaking
backwards compatibility. I.e. if you were using version ``1.2.3``, you should
be safe to upgrade to version ``1.3.0`` without making any changes to whatever
is using *Majic Ansible Roles*.
- Patch number is bumped when making purely bug-fix backwards compatible
changes. Patch releases are generally more likely to remain stable simply due
to limited scope of changes (new features can sometimes introduce unexpected
bugs). It shouild be noted that due to relatively limited resources I have
(plus, the roles are mainly used by myself :), patch releases might be a bit
more scarce, and I might opt for going for minor release instead to reduce
amount of work needed (backporting and releasing).
In addition to versioning schema, *Majic Ansible Roles* employs a specific
nomenclature for naming the branches:
- All new development and bug-fixing uses master branch as the base.
- Features and bug-fixes are implemented in a local branch based on the master
branch. Local branches are named after the lower-cased issue number. For
example, if the issuer number is ``MAR-43``, the implementation branch will be
named ``mar-43``. Normally these branches are only local, but if necessary
they can be pushed to the repository (for sharing etc).
- Patch releases are based off the maintenance branches. Mainteance branches are
named after the ``MAJOR`` and ``MINOR`` number of the version. For example, if
a new release is made with version ``1.2.0``, the corresponding branch that is
created for maintenance will be named ``1.2`` (notice the absence of ``.0`` at
the end).
Backporting fixes
From time to time it might become useful to apply a bug-fix to both the master
branch, and to maintenace branch.
When a bug is discovered in one of the roles (or maybe documentation), and it
should be applied to maintenance branch as well, procedure is as follows:
1. Create a new bug report in `issue tracker
<>`_. Target version should be
either the next minor or next major release (i.e. whatver will get released
from the master branch).
2. Create a copy of the bug report, modifying the issue title to include phrase
``(backport to MAJOR.MINOR)`` at the end, with ``MAJOR`` and ``MINOR``
replaced with correct versioning information for the maintenance
branch. Make sure to set correct target version (patch release).
3. Resolve the bug for next major/minor release.
4. Reslove the bug in maintenace branch by backporting (cherry-picking if
possible) the fix into maintenace branch. Make sure to resign (cherry-picking
invalidates signature) and reword (to reference the backport issue) the
Releasing new minor/major version
New minor/major releases are based off of the current master branch ``HEAD``.
When releasing a new minor/major version, procedure is as follows:
1. Verify that there are no outstanding issues blocking the release.
2. Switch to the project Python virtual environment::
workon majic-ansible-roles
3. Make sure you are on the ``master`` branch::
git checkout master
4. Extract current version, set release version, and set issue associated with
making the release::
CURRENT_VERSION=$(grep '^version = ' docs/ | sed -e "s/^version = '//;s/'$//")
5. Double-check what the associated issues is, what the current version string
is, and what the release version will be::
6. Create issue branch::
git checkout -b "${ISSUE,,}"
7. Verify that documentation builds and looks correct::
(cd docs/; make clean html; firefox _build/html/index.html)
8. Test all roles using `Molecule <>`_ to make
sure no regressions were introduced.
9. Test deployment of test site from scratch to make sure all roles behave
10. Add release notes to file ``docs/releasenotes.rst``. Release notes template
should be as follows::
New roles:
Breaking changes:
* ``ROLE`` role
New features/improvements:
* ``ROLE`` role
* ``ROLE`` role
11. Clean-up the documentation build, and check what files need to be updated::
(cd docs; make clean; grep -r "${CURRENT_VERSION/./\\.}" .)
12. Update all relevant documents with new version information, as obtained from
the previous command. At the very least this includes changes to:
- ``docs/``
- ``usage.rst``
13. Ensure documentation builds correctly::
(cd docs/; make clean html)
14. Show the changes before making a commit::
git diff docs/
15. Commit the changes::
git add docs/
git commits -m "$ISSUE: Preparing for release $NEW_VERSION."
16. Create annotated and signed Git tag::
git tag --sign -a "$NEW_VERSION" -m "RELEASE DESCRIPTION"
17. Clean-up the documentation build, check what files need to be switched back
to development version, and determine development version::
(cd docs; make clean; grep -r "${NEW_VERSION/./\\.}" .)
echo "${NEW_VERSION%.*}-dev"
18. Update all relevant documents with development version information, as
obtained from the previous command. At the very least this includes changes
- ``docs/``
- ``usage.rst``
19. Show the changes before committing them::
git diff docs/
20. Commit the changes::
git add docs/
git commits -m "$ISSUE: Bumping version to ${NEW_VERSION%.*}-dev (switching back to development)."
21. Verify GnuPG signatures::
git gpgcheck
git verify-tag "$NEW_VERSION"
22. Merge changes back into the master branch::
git checkout master
git merge "${ISSUE,,}"
23. Push the tag and changes to master::
git push
git push origin "${NEW_VERSION}"
24. Create the maintenace branch::
git checkout -b "${NEW_VERSION%.*}" "$NEW_VERSION"
25. Clean-up the documentation build, check what files need to be switched to
maintenace version, and determine maintenace version::
(cd docs; make clean; grep -r "${NEW_VERSION/./\\.}" .)
echo "${NEW_VERSION%.*}-maint"
26. Update all relevant documents with new version information, as obtained from
the previous command. At the very least this includes changes to:
- ``docs/``
- ``usage.rst``
27. Show the changes before making a commit::
git diff docs/
28. Commit the changes::
git add docs/
git commits -m "$ISSUE: Creating maintenance branch for release $NEW_VERSION."
29. Push the maintenance branch::
git push origin "${NEW_VERSION%.*}"
30. Switch back to the master branch::
git checkout master
31. Delete the local branch::
git branch -d "${ISSUE,,}"
32. Mark issue as resolved in the issue tracker.
33. Release the version via release center in the issue tracker.
34. Archive all other releases.
Releasing new patch version
New patch releases are based off of the specific maintenance branch ``HEAD``.
When releasing a new patch release, procedure is as follows:
1. Verify that there are no outstanding issues blocking the release.
2. Switch to the project Python virtual environment::
workon majic-ansible-roles
3. Set the new version and issuer associated with making the release::
4. Make sure you are on the maintenance branch for that version::
git checkout "${NEW_VERSION%.*}"
5. Extract current version::
CURRENT_VERSION=$(grep '^version = ' docs/ | sed -e "s/^version = '//;s/'$//")
6. Double-check what the associated issues is, what the current version string
is, and what the release version will be::
7. Create issue branch::
git checkout -b "${ISSUE,,}"
8. Verify that documentation builds and looks correct::
(cd docs/; make clean html; firefox _build/html/index.html)
9. Test all roles using `Molecule <>`_ to make
sure no regressions were introduced.
10. Test deployment of test site from scratch to make sure all roles behave
11. Add release notes to file ``docs/releasenotes.rst``. Release notes template
should be as follows::
* ``ROLE`` role
12. Clean-up the documentation build, and check what files need to be updated::
(cd docs; make clean; grep -r "${CURRENT_VERSION/./\\.}" .)
13. Update all relevant documents with new version information, as obtained from
the previous command. At the very least this includes changes to:
- ``docs/``
- ``usage.rst``
14. Ensure documentation builds correctly::
(cd docs/; make clean html)
15. Show the changes before making a commit::
git diff docs/
16. Commit the changes::
git add docs/
git commits -m "$ISSUE: Preparing for release $NEW_VERSION."
17. Create annotated and signed Git tag::
git tag --sign -a "$NEW_VERSION" -m "RELEASE DESCRIPTION"
18. Clean-up the documentation build, check what files need to be switched back
to maintenance version, and determine maintenance version::
(cd docs; make clean; grep -r "${NEW_VERSION/./\\.}" .)
echo "${NEW_VERSION%.*}-maint"
19. Update all relevant documents with maintenance version information, as
obtained from the previous command. At the very least this includes changes
- ``docs/``
- ``usage.rst``
20. Show the changes before committing them::
git diff docs/
21. Commit the changes::
git add docs/
git commits -m "$ISSUE: Bumping version to ${NEW_VERSION%.*}-maint (switching back to maintenance)."
22. Verify GnuPG signatures::
git gpgcheck
git verify-tag "$NEW_VERSION"
23. Merge changes back into the maintenance branch::
git checkout "${NEW_VERSION%.*}"
git merge "${ISSUE,,}"
24. Push the tag and changes to mainteance branch::
git push
git push origin "${NEW_VERSION}"
25. Delete the local branch::
git branch -d "${ISSUE,,}"
26. Switch back to the master branch::
git checkout master
27. Mark issue as resolved in the issue tracker.
28. Release the version via release center in the issue tracker.
29. Archive all old patch releases with the same major and minor number as new
release version.