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Branko Majic (branko) - 7 years ago 2016-12-03 15:17:02
PYD-7: Updated usage instructions to mention multiple output formats.
1 file changed with 17 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -85,6 +85,12 @@ Finally, the resulting identicons can be in different formats::
  identicon_ascii = generator.generate("", 200, 200,

Supported output formats are dependant on the local Pillow installation. For
exact list of available formats, have a look at `Pillow documentation
<>`_. The ``ascii`` format is the only format
explicitly handled by the *Pydenticon* library itself (mainly useful for
debugging purposes).

Using the generated identicons

@@ -93,9 +99,11 @@ either to be stored somewhere on disk, or maybe streamed back to the user via
HTTP response. Since the generate function returns raw data, this is quite easy
to achieve::

  # Generate same identicon in two different formats.
  # Generate same identicon in three different formats.
  identicon_png = generator.generate("", 200, 200,
  identicon_gif = generator.generate("", 200, 200,
  identicon_ascii = generator.generate("", 200, 200,

@@ -104,6 +112,10 @@ to achieve::

  f = open("sample.gif", "wb")

  # ASCII identicon can be printed-out to console directly.
  print identicon_ascii

@@ -114,6 +126,10 @@ Working with transparency
.. note::
   New in version ``0.3``.

.. warning::
   The only output format that properly supports transparency at the moment is
   ``PNG``. If you are using anything else, transparency will not work.

If you ever find yourself in need of having a transparent background or
foreground, you can easily do this using the syntax
``rgba(224,224,224,0)``. All this does is effectively adding alpha channel to
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