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Location: pydenticon/tests/

PYD-6: Switched to using RGBA in order to support transparency out of the box. Updated usage instructions to include info on how to specify transparency. Updated tests to accomodate to change in colour scheme used in images.
# Standard library imports.
import hashlib
import unittest
from io import BytesIO

# Third-party Python library imports.
import mock
import PIL
import PIL.ImageChops

# Library imports.
from pydenticon import Generator

class GeneratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
    Implements tests for pydenticon.Generator class.

    def test_init_entropy(self):
        Tests if the constructor properly checks for entropy provided by a
        digest algorithm.

        # Set-up the mock instance.
        hexdigest_method = mock.MagicMock(return_value="aabb")
        digest_instance = mock.MagicMock()
        digest_instance.hexdigest = hexdigest_method

        # Set-up digest function that will always return the same digest
        # instance.
        digest_method = mock.MagicMock(return_value=digest_instance)

        # This should require 23 bits of entropy, while the digest we defined
        # provided 2*8 bits of entropy (2 bytes).
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Generator, 5, 5, digest=digest_method)

    def test_init_parameters(self):
        Verifies that the constructor sets-up the instance properties correctly.

        generator = Generator(5, 5, digest=hashlib.sha1, foreground=["#111111", "#222222"], background="#aabbcc")

        # sha1 provides 160 bits of entropy - 20 bytes.
        self.assertEqual(generator.digest_entropy, 20 * 8)
        self.assertEqual(generator.digest, hashlib.sha1)
        self.assertEqual(generator.rows, 5)
        self.assertEqual(generator.columns, 5)
        self.assertEqual(generator.foreground, ["#111111", "#222222"])
        self.assertEqual(generator.background, "#aabbcc")

    def test_get_bit(self):
        Tests if the check whether bit is 1 or 0 is performed correctly.

        generator = Generator(5, 5)
        hash_bytes = [0b10010001, 0b10001000, 0b00111001]

        # Check a couple of bits from the above hash bytes.
        self.assertEqual(True, generator._get_bit(0, hash_bytes))
        self.assertEqual(True, generator._get_bit(7, hash_bytes))
        self.assertEqual(False, generator._get_bit(22, hash_bytes))
        self.assertEqual(True, generator._get_bit(23, hash_bytes))

    def test_generate_matrix(self):
        Verifies that the matrix is generated correctly based on passed hashed

        # The resulting half-matrix should be as follows (first byte is for
        # ignored in matrix generation):
        # 100
        # 011
        # 100
        # 001
        # 110
        hash_bytes = [0b11111111, 0b10101010, 0b01010101]

        expected_matrix = [
            [True, False, False, False, True],
            [False, True, True, True, False],
            [True, False, False, False, True],
            [False, False, True, False, False],
            [True, True, False, True, True],

        generator = Generator(5, 5)

        matrix = generator._generate_matrix(hash_bytes)

        self.assertEqual(matrix, expected_matrix)

    def test_data_to_digest_byte_list_raw(self):
        Test if correct digest byte list is returned for raw (non-hex-digest)
        data passed to the method.

        # Set-up some raw data, and set-up the expected result.
        data = "this is a test\n"
        expected_digest_byte_list = [225, 156, 18, 131, 201, 37, 179, 32, 102, 133, 255, 82, 42, 207, 227, 230]

        # Instantiate a generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5, digest=hashlib.md5)

        # Call the method and get the results.
        digest_byte_list = generator._data_to_digest_byte_list(data)

        # Verify the expected and actual result are identical.
        self.assertEqual(expected_digest_byte_list, digest_byte_list)

    def test_data_to_digest_byte_list_hex(self):
        Test if correct digest byte list is returned for passed hex digest

        # Set-up some test hex digest (md5), and expected result.
        hex_digest = "e19c1283c925b3206685ff522acfe3e6"
        expected_digest_byte_list = [225, 156, 18, 131, 201, 37, 179, 32, 102, 133, 255, 82, 42, 207, 227, 230]

        # Instantiate a generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5, digest=hashlib.md5)

        # Call the method and get the results.
        digest_byte_list = generator._data_to_digest_byte_list(hex_digest)

        # Verify the expected and actual result are identical.
        self.assertEqual(expected_digest_byte_list, digest_byte_list)

    def test_data_to_digest_byte_list_hex_lookalike(self):
        Test if correct digest byte list is returned for passed raw data that
        has same length as hex digest string.

        # Set-up some test hex digest (md5), and expected result.
        data = "qqwweerrttyyuuiiooppaassddffgghh"
        expected_digest_byte_list = [25, 182, 52, 218, 118, 220, 26, 145, 164, 222, 33, 221, 183, 140, 98, 246]

        # Instantiate a generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5, digest=hashlib.md5)

        # Call the method and get the results.
        digest_byte_list = generator._data_to_digest_byte_list(data)

        # Verify the expected and actual result are identical.
        self.assertEqual(expected_digest_byte_list, digest_byte_list)

    def test_generate_png_basics(self):
        Tests some basics about generated PNG identicon image. This includes:

        - Dimensions of generated image.
        - Format of generated image.
        - Mode of generated image.

        # Set-up parameters that will be used for generating the image.
        width = 200
        height = 200
        padding = [20, 20, 20, 20]
        foreground = "#ffffff"
        background = "#000000"
        matrix = [
            [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
            [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],

        # Set-up a generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5)

        # Generate the raw image.
        raw_image = generator._generate_png(matrix, width, height, padding, foreground, background)

        # Try to load the raw image.
        image_stream = BytesIO(raw_image)
        image =

        # Verify image size, format, and mode.
        self.assertEqual(image.size[0], 240)
        self.assertEqual(image.size[1], 240)
        self.assertEqual(image.format, "PNG")
        self.assertEqual(image.mode, "RGBA")

    def test_generate_ascii(self):
        Tests the generated identicon in ASCII format.

        # Set-up parameters that will be used for generating the image.
        foreground = "1"
        background = "0"
        matrix = [
            [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
            [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
            [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],

        # Set-up a generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5)

        # Generate the ASCII image.
        ascii_image = generator._generate_ascii(matrix, foreground, background)

        # Verify that the result is as expected.
        expected_result = """00100
        self.assertEqual(ascii_image, expected_result)

    def test_generate_format(self):
        Tests if identicons are generated in requested format.

        # Set-up a generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5)

        # Set-up some test data.
        data = "some test data"

        # Verify that PNG image is returned when requested.
        raw_image = generator.generate(data, 200, 200, output_format="png")
        image_stream = BytesIO(raw_image)
        image =
        self.assertEqual(image.format, "PNG")

        # Verify that ASCII "image" is returned when requested.
        raw_image = generator.generate(data, 200, 200, output_format="ascii")
        self.assertIsInstance(raw_image, str)

    def test_generate_format_invalid(self):
        Tests if an exception is raised in case an unsupported format is
        requested when generating the identicon.

        # Set-up a generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5)

        # Set-up some test data.
        data = "some test data"

        # Verify that an exception is raised in case of unsupported format.
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, generator.generate, data, 200, 200, output_format="invalid")

    @mock.patch.object(Generator, '_generate_png')
    def test_generate_inverted_png(self, generate_png_mock):
        Tests if the foreground and background are properly inverted when
        generating PNG images.

        # Set-up some test data.
        data = "Some test data"

        # Set-up one foreground and background colour.
        foreground = "#ffffff"
        background = "#000000"

        # Set-up the generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5, foreground=[foreground], background=background)

        # Verify that colours are picked correctly when no inverstion is requsted.
        generator.generate(data, 200, 200, inverted=False, output_format="png")
        generate_png_mock.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, foreground, background)

        # Verify that colours are picked correctly when inversion is requsted.
        generator.generate(data, 200, 200, inverted=True, output_format="png")
        generate_png_mock.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, background, foreground)

    @mock.patch.object(Generator, '_generate_ascii')
    def test_generate_inverted_ascii(self, generate_ascii_mock):
        Tests if the foreground and background are properly inverted when
        generating ASCII "images".

        # Set-up some test data.
        data = "Some test data"

        # Set-up one foreground and background colour. These are not used for
        # ASCII itself (instead a plus/minus sign is used).
        foreground = "#ffffff"
        background = "#000000"

        # Set-up the generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5, foreground=[foreground], background=background)

        # Verify that foreground/background is picked correctly when no
        # inverstion is requsted.
        generator.generate(data, 200, 200, inverted=False, output_format="ascii")
        generate_ascii_mock.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, "+", "-")

        # Verify that foreground/background is picked correctly when inversion
        # is requsted.
        generator.generate(data, 200, 200, inverted=True, output_format="ascii")
        generate_ascii_mock.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, "-", "+")

    @mock.patch.object(Generator, '_generate_png')
    def test_generate_foreground(self, generate_png_mock):
        Tests if the foreground colour is picked correctly.

        # Set-up some foreground colours and a single background colour.
        foreground = ["#000000", "#111111", "#222222", "#333333", "#444444", "#555555"]
        background = "#ffffff"

        # Set-up the generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5, foreground=foreground, background=background)

        # The first byte of hex digest should be 121 for this data, which should
        # result in foreground colour of index '1'.
        data = "some test data"
        generator.generate(data, 200, 200)
        generate_png_mock.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, foreground[1], background)

        # The first byte of hex digest should be 149 for this data, which should
        # result in foreground colour of index '5'.
        data = "some other test data"
        generator.generate(data, 200, 200)
        generate_png_mock.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, foreground[5], background)

    def test_generate_png_compare(self):
        Tests generated PNG identicon against a set of pre-generated samples.

        # Set-up a list of foreground colours (taken from Sigil). Same as used
        # for reference images.
        foreground = ["rgb(45,79,255)",

        # Set-up a background colour (taken from Sigil). Same as used for
        # reference images.
        background = "rgb(224,224,224)"

        # Set-up parameters equivalent as used for samples.
        width = 200
        height = 200
        padding = (20, 20, 20, 20)

        # Load the reference images, making sure they're in RGBA mode.
        test1_ref ="tests/samples/test1.png").convert(mode="RGBA")
        test2_ref ="tests/samples/test2.png").convert(mode="RGBA")
        test3_ref ="tests/samples/test3.png").convert(mode="RGBA")

        # Set-up the Generator.
        generator = Generator(5, 5, foreground=foreground, background=background)

        # Generate first test identicon.
        raw_image = generator.generate("test1", width, height, padding=padding)
        image_stream = BytesIO(raw_image)
        test1 =

        # Generate second test identicon.
        raw_image = generator.generate("test2", width, height, padding=padding)
        image_stream = BytesIO(raw_image)
        test2 =

        # Generate third test identicon.
        raw_image = generator.generate("test3", width, height, padding=padding)
        image_stream = BytesIO(raw_image)
        test3 =

        # Calculate differences between generated identicons and references.
        diff1 = PIL.ImageChops.difference(test1, test1_ref)
        diff2 = PIL.ImageChops.difference(test2, test2_ref)
        diff3 = PIL.ImageChops.difference(test3, test3_ref)

        # Verify that all the diffs are essentially black (i.e. no differences
        # between generated identicons and reference samples).
        expected_extrema = ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0))

        self.assertEqual(diff1.getextrema(), expected_extrema)
        self.assertEqual(diff2.getextrema(), expected_extrema)
        self.assertEqual(diff3.getextrema(), expected_extrema)

if __name__ == '__main__':