Files @ 991a84360e0f
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Location: pydenticon/docs/releasenotes.rst

991a84360e0f 793 B text/prs.fallenstein.rst Show Annotation Show as Raw Download as Raw
PYD-3: Include test files in source distribution. Added documentation about running tests.
Release Notes


Initial release of Pydenticon. Implemented features:

* Supported parameters for identicon generator (shared between multiple
  * Number of blocks in identicon (rows and columns).
  * Digest algorithm.
  * List of foreground colours to choose from.
  * Background colour.
* Supported parameters when generating induvidual identicons:
  * Data that should be used for identicon generation.
  * Width and height of resulting image in pixels.
  * Padding around identicon (top, bottom, left, right).
  * Output format.
  * Inverted identicon (swaps foreground with background).
* Support for PNG and ASCII format of resulting identicons.
* Full documentation covering installation, usage, algorithm, privacy. API
  reference included as well.