@ 500658358454
Branch filter:
Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/web_server/tasks/main.yml
3.4 KiB
MAR-44: Added backup server implementation. Updated testsite to include deployment of dedicated backup server. Documented the backup server implementation (except for usage instructions).
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- name: Install nginx
apt: name=nginx state=installed
- name: Allow nginx user to traverse the directory with TLS private keys
user: name=www-data append=yes groups=ssl-cert
- Restart nginx
- name: Deploy nginx TLS private key
copy: dest="/etc/ssl/private/{{ https_tls_key | basename }}" src="{{ https_tls_key }}"
mode=640 owner=root group=root
- Restart nginx
- name: Deploy nginx TLS certificate
copy: dest="/etc/ssl/certs/{{ https_tls_certificate | basename }}" src="{{ https_tls_certificate }}"
mode=644 owner=root group=root
- Restart nginx
- name: Deploy script for verification of nginx vhost configurations
copy: src="" dest="/usr/local/bin/"
owner=root group=root mode=755
- name: Deploy default vhost configuration
template: src="nginx-default.j2" dest="/etc/nginx/sites-available/default"
owner=root group=root mode=640 validate="/usr/local/bin/ -n default %s"
- Restart nginx
- name: Enable default website
file: src="/etc/nginx/sites-available/default" dest="/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default"
- Restart nginx
- name: Deploy firewall configuration for web server
copy: src="ferm_http.conf" dest="/etc/ferm/conf.d/30-web.conf" owner=root group=root mode=640
- Restart ferm
- name: Remove the default Debian html files
file: path="{{ item }}" state=absent
- /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html
- /var/www/html/
- name: Create directory for storing the default website page
file: path="/var/www/default/" state=directory
owner=root group=www-data mode=750
- name: Deploy the default index.html
template: src="index.html.j2" dest=/var/www/default/index.html
owner=root group=www-data mode=640
- name: Enable nginx service
service: name=nginx enabled=yes state=started
- name: Install base packages for Python web applications
apt: name="{{ item }}" state=installed
- virtualenv
- virtualenvwrapper
- name: Create directory where WSGI will store per-site socket files
file: path="/run/wsgi/" state="directory"
owner="root" group="www-data" mode="771"
- name: Install base packages for PHP web applications
apt: name="{{ item }}" state=installed
- php5-fpm
- name: Create directory where PHP FPM will store per-site socket files
file: path="/run/php5-fpm/" state="directory"
owner="root" group="www-data" mode="770"
- name: Create directory for storing PHP FPM service configuration overrides
file: path="/etc/systemd/system/php5-fpm.service.d/" state=directory
owner=root group=root mode=755
- name: Configure php5-fpm service to run with umask 0007
copy: src="php5_fpm_umask.conf" dest="/etc/systemd/system/php5-fpm.service.d/umask.conf"
owner=root group=root mode=644
- Restart php5-fpm
- name: Enable service used for running PHP web applications
service: name="php5-fpm" enabled=yes state=started
- name: Read timezone on server
slurp: src=/etc/timezone
register: server_timezone
- name: Configure timezone for PHP
template: src="php_timezone.ini.j2" dest="{{ item }}/30-timezone.ini"
owner=root group=root mode=644
- /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/
- /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/
- Restart php5-fpm