@ 91b633aba998
Branch filter:
Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/backup_client/molecule/default/tests/
5.4 KiB
MAR-129: Fixed linting in database_server and its tests and moved test variables into group_vars.
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import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner
testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(
def test_gnupg_private_keys_file_content(host):
Tests if correct GnuPG private key used for encryption and signing has been
with host.sudo():
gnupg_private_keys = host.file('/etc/duply/main/private_keys.asc')
assert gnupg_private_keys.content == open('tests/data/gnupg/parameters-optional.asc', 'r').read().strip()
def test_gnupg_public_keys_file_content(host):
Tests if correct additional public GnuPG keys have been deployed.
with host.sudo():
gnupg_public_keys = host.file('/etc/duply/main/public_keys.asc')
assert open('tests/data/gnupg/additional_encryption_key_1.asc', 'r').read().strip() in gnupg_public_keys.content
assert open('tests/data/gnupg/additional_encryption_key_2.asc', 'r').read().strip() in gnupg_public_keys.content
assert open('tests/data/gnupg/additional_encryption_key_3.asc', 'r').read().strip() in gnupg_public_keys.content
def test_backup_ssh_key_file_content(host):
Tests if correct key has been deployed for SSH client authentication.
with host.sudo():
ssh_key = host.file('/etc/duply/main/ssh/identity')
assert ssh_key.content == open('tests/data/ssh/parameters-optional', 'r').read().strip()
def test_known_hosts_content(host):
Tests if known hosts file has been set-up with correct content.
with host.sudo():
known_hosts = host.file('/etc/duply/main/ssh/known_hosts')
assert known_hosts.content == open('tests/data/ssh/parameters-optional-known_hosts', 'r').read().rstrip()
def test_duply_configuration_content(host):
Tests if duply configuration has been set-up correctly.
with host.sudo():
ansible_facts = host.ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]
duply_configuration = host.file('/etc/duply/main/conf')
if ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'] == 'jessie':
assert "TARGET='sftp://backupuser@'" in duply_configuration.content
assert "DUPL_PARAMS=\"$DUPL_PARAMS --ssh-backend pexpect --ssh-options='-oLogLevel=ERROR -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " \
"-oGlobalKnownHostsFile=/etc/duply/main/ssh/known_hosts -oIdentityFile=/etc/duply/main/ssh/identity'\"" in duply_configuration.content
assert "GPG_KEYS_ENC='7A4F400A,C3A9444B,28063B3F,71223B72'" in duply_configuration.content
assert "GPG_KEY_SIGN='7A4F400A'" in duply_configuration.content
elif ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'] == 'stretch':
assert "GPG_KEYS_ENC='C4B2AE9F7A4F400A,3093C91BC3A9444B,86816FD928063B3F,8A14CD6C71223B72'" in duply_configuration.content
assert "GPG_KEY_SIGN='C4B2AE9F7A4F400A'" in duply_configuration.content
assert "TARGET='pexpect+sftp://backupuser@'" in duply_configuration.content
assert "DUPL_PARAMS=\"$DUPL_PARAMS --ssh-options='-oLogLevel=ERROR -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " \
"-oGlobalKnownHostsFile=/etc/duply/main/ssh/known_hosts -oIdentityFile=/etc/duply/main/ssh/identity'\"" in duply_configuration.content
raise Exception("Failed to execute check for distribution release: %s" % ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'])
def test_duply_gnupg_keyring_private_keys(host):
Tests if private key used for encryption/signing has been correctly
imporeted into Duply GnuPG keyring.
with host.sudo():
ansible_facts = host.ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]
if ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'] == 'jessie':
gpg_binary = 'gpg2'
key_offset = 8
elif ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'] == 'stretch':
gpg_binary = 'gpg'
key_offset = 8
raise Exception("Failed to execute check for distribution release: %s" % ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'])
private_key_listing ='%s --homedir /etc/duply/main/gnupg --list-public-keys' % gpg_binary)
assert private_key_listing.rc == 0
assert 'C4B2AE9F7A4F400A'[key_offset:] in private_key_listing.stdout
def test_duply_gnupg_keyring_public_keys(host):
Tests if additional public keys used for encryption have been correctly
imporeted into Duply GnuPG keyring.
with host.sudo():
ansible_facts = host.ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]
if ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'] == 'jessie':
gpg_binary = 'gpg2'
key_offset = 8
elif ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'] == 'stretch':
gpg_binary = 'gpg'
key_offset = 8
raise Exception("Failed to execute check for distribution release: %s" % ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'])
public_key_listing ='%s --homedir /etc/duply/main/gnupg --list-public-keys' % gpg_binary)
keys = ['3093C91BC3A9444B', '86816FD928063B3F', '8A14CD6C71223B72']
assert public_key_listing.rc == 0
for key in keys:
assert key[key_offset:] in public_key_listing.stdout